BatchMaster Software Pvt. Ltd

What Makes BatchMaster ERP Perfect for your Industry?

Once on a trip to an amusement park, I saw two friends sitting just ahead of me not enjoying the roller-coaster ride but trying hard to adjust on the seats. One was too fat to comfortably fit in while other was too lean, getting slipped every time the ride took a deep turn. I could only hear them droning in frustration and wishing for a perfect-fit seat.

Similar is the condition of process manufacturers seeking ERP around the globe. Some ERPs have such broad scope that they have to shoehorn in to meet their  core needs while others which deliver core needs call for immense customizations to meet specific needs. Not only the businesses of different domains have different needs, in fact, every business of even same domain has a slightly different set of needs. Taking a case in point; fresh pork sausages industry and sauces–marinades industry; both belong to same domain i.e. food industry but have different business requirements. Though, both industries manufacture edible products but have entirely different manufacturing core process and in-process needs. But no matter how far apart their polls are, they share one thing in common–‘need of Process ERP’.

With most of the ERPs focusing more on the larger supersets like Food, Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceutical, Paints, and Chemicals etc., the subsets loose most of the time trying to  just fit in when they should be enjoying/reaping the benefits of their large investments.

They know ERP provides the most crucial support, acts as the backbone, for almost every business lest it is a super-fit. Such ERP not only solve business problems but much more than that it provides ‘deus-ex-machina’ (god-out-of-machine). So you ask what this super-fit is all about. In simple words, super-fit now not being an ideal ideology symbolizes an ERP nano-verticalized to meet most specific industry needs.

BatchMaster–a leading ERP to fulfill the demand of every business, strongly believing in the saying ‘Divide and conquer’, and ‘one size can’t fit all’ renders solutions already tailored for your industry. It has conveniently divided the horizontal platform of every process manufacturing industries into micro-vertical segments to effectively master every single need of these industries. BatchMaster for Ink, BatchMaster for Packaged Food, BatchMaster for Polymer Coatings, BatchMaster for Dietary Supplements, BatchMaster for Marinades, BatchMaster for Barbeque Sauces, BatchMaster for Polyurethane and more are many nano-verticals of BatchMaster built not for the super set Food, Paints and Chemicals, Nutraceutical, Pharmaceuticals etc. but their specific subsets. Using nano-vertical strategy, BatchMaster is now capable enough to penetrate deep into roots of your business to understand it well to provide the solution specific to your industry.

Making the point clearer, let’s continue the above example of Food Industry. BatchMaster deals with every food industry uniquely whether it is sauces and marinades manufacturing industry or pork sausages manufacturing industry; it understands the difference in their needs and thus provides uniquely tailored solution that is effective, useful, practical, highly economical, easily implementable and fulfilling every rising demand to endow you with a business capturing the competitive market.

Along with providing core functionality and feature through the supply chain like quality control, inventory management, formula/recipe management, etc., it takes care of special needs of every industry. For pork sausages manufacturing industry, BatchMaster provides the specifically targeted solution, namely Catch Weight and for sauces–marinades manufacturing industry- Lot Strength along with Supplement Fact Sheets, Nutritional Labeling and Reports, HACCP etc. which are needed by both.

Even though most of the process manufacturers unanimously believe that ERP is the need of the time, it is the big cost involved in the customization and long implementation time that stops them from acquiring it. BatchMaster’s nano-verticals resolve this too. As it is industry-specific, developed around a core set of functions to meet, targeted on average, 75% of the core functionality a given industry might need and 25%, the business-specific or vertical-market functionality, brought about through continuous conversations and discussion with our esteemed customers and meeting their needs in an ever-changing world from last three decades.

In short, BatchMaster moves your business ahead to the guaranteed plot taking along the plethora of features and functionalities. It streamlines business operations and leverages the success graph by eradicating all unscrupulous things.


About Us

BatchMaster Software is one of the market leaders in offering enterprise software solutions for the process manufacturing industries. With an in-depth industry analysis, gained through a vast industry experience with over 3000 implementations worldwide, we clearly understand the unique industry challenges. BatchMaster offers ERP solutions that are apt to support industry specific operations and handles critical processes of the micro-verticals. Process manufacturing companies around the globe have come to rely upon BatchMaster® to manage nearly every aspect of their manufacturing distribution, finance & accounting, quality control and compliance. With headquarter in Laguna Hills, BatchMaster has its offices in India.

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