Flexibility and freedom certainly make life easier for business owners. But as managers or supervisors, you are expected to do too much in a single day and you end up just longing for some extra hours or wish you could be a genie, who could be present at multiple locations at once.
At times you even wish for a time machine so that you can go back in time and mend the loss due to which your company suffered. Alas! Circumstances don’t always behave the way you want them to.
Accessing your business’ data from anywhere in the world at any time might look like a dream.
But at times you don’t have the access to your office system, or perhaps, you are out of town for some other official work and desperately need the latest updates on the business operations.
Are you too a victim of a similar situation? Then maybe it’s time for you to think about the mobile cloud-based ERP solutions.
Since your very own smartphone is one device that stays with you all the time, wherever you go, how about having your ERP on your phone all the time?
Isn’t the idea cool and happening? Definitely!!! Let’s get to explore the concept of mobile cloud ERP even further.
The Need of Cloud-based ERP Arises…
When you need to work beyond working hours: Being a business owner, typical office hours never bound you. Your business can demand your time and attention anywhere, anytime!
When you are on a vacation: It’s not surprising if your mind is preoccupied with the thoughts of your business proceedings even when you are on a beautiful beach with your family or friends. Critical business circumstances can even let you sacrifice your much-needed holiday.
When you want updates from some remote business location: Imagine you are on a business trip and receive a big order on phone. You might immediately wish to know about the current stock levels and available raw material in the warehouse. At such times, you certainly wish you had an Aladdin’s lamp to get the details immediately.
When you wish to get updates from two separate plant locations simultaneously: Have you ever wanted real-time updates on the production floor while attending an administrative meeting in the boardroom? Often, right? Even it is not possible for you to be present with frontline workforce all the time because you have many other responsibilities to fulfill.
When you wish to have a cutting-edge over your competitors: Speed, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness are the basic necessities of any business to flourish. Sometimes such extra push, which can never be achieved by your legacy software solutions, too is needed to outsmart the competitors.
When you want to overcome the age-old legacy processes: The primitive ways of operations and manually operated tasks certainly hamper your efficiency and productivity and you desperately want to switch over to an automated system to overcome loopholes and bottlenecks.
When you have a large amount of data to deal with: A lot of times you must have faced this challenge of what to do with large chunks of data; how to store, manage and access it on the go? The failure to do so can have serious repercussions on the business.
When you want to bring down the costs: Just like any other businessman, you too aspire to save both money and time, have enhanced as well as real-time collaboration among the departments, and reduce the time taken to introduce a product to the market. But how?
When you want to scale your business: You long for only as much storage and power as needed, and wish to have the capability to invariably determine the requirement of resources based on changing project workloads. But it remains a distant dream…
Take Control of Your business operations with a Mobile Cloud ERP
Mobile Cloud ERP solutions are changing the face of manufacturing arena at a fast pace, giving your organization a much-needed push and you the much-required freedom of operation; that too at an affordable price.
A Mobile Cloud ERP solution manages the key information about your business like inventory, procurement, production, planning, order management, billing, and analytics etc. in the cloud.
Since the entire information bank is on the cloud, you can access it from anywhere and at any point in time. It brings a whole new level of collaboration to manufacturing operations.
The Benefits of Cloud-based ERP
Here are a few benefits Mobile Cloud ERP solutions can have for your business:
- Avoid all major upfront costs such as hardware and infrastructural cost
- Automatic updates and upgrades
- Have instant views of performance across the entire supply chain
- Enhanced decision making
- More time for your supervisors to spend on the plant floor
- Avoid attacks on the company’s server as the data is not stored locally, but on the cloud
- Faster and convenient installation
- Periodic backup and faster recovery options
- Available on affordable monthly subscription
- Scalable to your business needs
But the most important benefit of Cloud ERP that goes beyond the above benefits is flexibility. Accessing the system from anywhere makes it easy for a business owner to keep a bird’s eye view on the entire supply chain from start to finish.
Mobile cloud ERP also fosters the facility of business expansion, since the Internet is everywhere and there is no need to implement hardware and software at remote locations to get in touch with your business and team.
Simply reach out to your phone and stay updated, connected and relaxed anywhere, anytime.
As per the study conducted by industry analysts, cloud-based manufacturing solutions have been found to reduce infrastructure, maintenance and lifecycle costs by as much 54 percent.
Further, a recent study by Aberdeen Group claims companies that have already implemented mobile cloud ERP at their workplace have witnessed a 44 percent increase in operational efficiency, while according to Tech Target’s Annual IT Priorities Survey, nearly 40 percent of manufacturers are planning to use mobile devices for their businesses.
Those who have taken the lead, are reaping its benefits. What about you? Get started. For more information on Cloud-based ERP solutions, log on to website , or enjoy a free demo by dropping an email at sales@batchmaster.com.