BatchMaster Software Pvt. Ltd


BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One

Harness the power of the best combo ever for recipe/formula-based manufacturers!


Run your business and ascend smoothly on the growth trajectory with BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One – a process manufacturing ERP integrated with SAP Business One for manufacturers in Australia/NZ. BatchMaster Manufacturing is built-in SAP Business One ERP Software, where the Sales, Purchase, Inventory and Finance modules of SAP Business One work in perfect cohesion with the process manufacturing modules like R&D and Formulation, Costing, Batch Processing, Quality, Compliance, and such of BatchMaster Manufacturing that makes your business more streamlined, more agile, more resilient, and more productive.


One Complete Solution

BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One is an end-to-end solution for emerging needs of formula/recipe-based manufacturers.

User friendly ERP

User-Friendly GUI

Equipped with same GUI, same login, and single database of SAP Business One, it gives an edge with features like Google-style search, connection maps, notifications, and workflows.


Contemporary in its Approach

Continuous development in the product space to keep pace with the changing trends, regulations, industry practices, technology, not only for Australia/NZ, but worldwide.


Specially-Tailored For Your Industry

Your industry is special and so is your requirement. Our product is designed to meet the real complexities of your industry.


Adheres to Industry & Regulatory Compliance

BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One by-design helps you comply with customer, industry, and federal regulatory requirements like, COA, FDA, GHS, FSSAI, FSMA, EPA, and more.


BatchMaster SAP Business One ERP Add Ons

The performance of BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One can be enhanced with the help of specially designed add-ons that cater to specific business needs with:
  • BatchMaster WMS powered by SAP business One: Supports remote inventory control with various handheld devices.
  • Bin Management: Manages and streamlines inventory meticulously by tracking and managing inventory up to bin level.

Why BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One?

  • • Built on strong foundation of SAP Business One
  • Supports and documents complete supply chain
  • Provides industry-specific solution to cater its unique needs
  • Helps adhere to regulation and best practices
  • Real-time information flow
  • Provides sneak peek of cost vs production matrix
  • Easy progress tracking
  • Helps in informed business decision

BatchMaster SAP Business One ERP Modules

BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One is a single platform developed with a holistic approach to cater the peculiar needs of:

BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One, developed for the Australian manufacturing industry, provides a number of formula management capabilities, including:

  • Formula comparison
  • Version control for tracking formula changes
  • Rollback to regain the saved/previous version of the formula
  • Sizing formula by weight or volume
  • Material substitution by weight or volume percentage, availability of a material, etc.
  • In-process quality checks for better formula management
  • Formula analysis with various available cost options
  • Support multilevel formulas
  • Intermediate expansion to replace the intermediate or by-product involved within the formula

The Bill of Material (BOM) depicts a detailed and hierarchical view of the finished product, beginning with the raw materials used and progressing through intermediate materials, packaging materials, and so on. It connects the formula to the completed goods or intermediates, and lets you define routing. It has the following features as well:.

  • Comprehensive Bill Of Material functionality
  • Encloses top level BOM item
  • Flexibility to define Fill Level in the desired unit of measurement
  • Routing functionality for the flawless production process
  • Serve multiple packaging options
  • Bill of material report to classify the top assembly items, assembly types, and status of the BOM components associated with the formulas
  • Cater to your needs for both Process (Formula BOM) and Discrete (Assembly BOM) Manufacturing
  • Dispatches full view of the BOM hierarchy
  • Single BOM allocation with multiple formulas

The module aids you in safely converting your formulas into more effective and preferred versions. It has a range of features, including interactive research of physical properties of formulas, and a number of additional features, such as:

  • Keep the specifications of your intermediates current according to the formulations using the Intermediate Property Rollup Utility
  • Conveniently compare several formulas and products side-by-side from the same screen using the Comparative Properties Analysis
  • Create completely new physical properties based on the combination of material specifications and operators available using the Physical Property Formula option
  • Overcome the hassles of creating a new formula from scratch using the Physical Property Analysis option
  • Reduce the time and efforts invested in the R&D of new formulas

BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One improves compliance efficiency for manufacturing organizations with the following functions, allowing them to proactively comply with FDA and GMP requirements.

  • Supports Data Ownership Authorization
  • Generates Nutritional Label/Nutritional Information Panel using different serving sizes and units of measures
  • Generation of Ingredient Statement, quantity and percentage-wise
  • Reports for
    • FDA Audit
    • Quality Control History
    • Lot Tracking
    • Transaction
    • Lot Explosion
  • Embedded forward and backward lot-traceability feature
  • Generates Lot Recall Letter
  • Facilitates a lot of strength to calculate the potency of the product
  • Attach Standard Operating Procedures.
  • The Closed-loop process that maintains FDA 21CFR Part 11, cGMP, Bioterrorism Act etc.

The production module provides a set of comprehensive capabilities that simplify the entire process from start to finish. It works well with operations and provides quick access to real-time data, allowing it to handle a wide range of processes, including mixing, filling, and assembling components. Other distinguishing features include:

  • Expedite production scheduling and generate real-time information faster than ever before using the Production Scheduling Dashboard
  • Streamlined batch sizing, improves the accuracy of inventory and costing functions immensely
  • Resolve the common process manufacturing necessity of producing a batch and its low-level intermediates in a single operation, using the Super Batch functionality
  • Acquire running totals of your finished goods and by-products yielded and consumed
  • Get your costs and inventory updated in real-time with the closure of your batch

The completely integrated Lot Traceability function in BatchMaster Manufacturing for SAP Business One precisely tracks forward and backward movement of raw materials, intermediates, and finished goods through the entire supply chain. Producers are better positioned to meet all compliance requirements and remain audit-ready as a result.

  • Manage any recall situation within a fraction of time
  • Diminish response times to potential complications, which can eventually certify brand security
  • Confirm the transparency all over the value chain, from ingredients to consumer goods
  • 360-degree view into a product lot’s activity
  • Ensure each lot remains distinct in subsequent operations
  • Wide-ranging lot traceability with container level tracing of source supplies

Produces Safety Data Sheets that are fully compliant with government reporting standards automatically. The MSDS module gives you complete control over the SDS formats you use and how you keep them up to date, as well as the ability to create custom templates that describe the components and their sequence of appearance. Its one-of-a-kind design allows you to tailor it to your own needs.

  • Define and associate safety information for inventory items, formulas, customer order, production order etc.
  • Achieve Hazard Communication Standard, Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III compliance
  • Preserve Occupational Exposure Limits per component using the Material Safety and CAS Number screens
  • Indicate which ingredients are to be listed on your SDS based on Material Hazard Type in a number of ways
  • Use the built-In USA format to generate your SDS or create your own templates as required
  • Generate schedules for a group of SDS to organize their generation
  • Create a bunch of SDS boilerplates that are to be printed on an SDS by using Supplementary File
  • Track SDS printing dates for item and customer combination

Increase the organization’s quality assurance. We provide accurate quality-focused solutions to help you achieve optimal quality control at every stage of your organization, from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing intermediates/finished goods, and inspecting final goods before shipping them to customers.

This completely integrated quality control system maintains track of pass/fail statistics based on an unlimited number of user-defined criteria, and helps you accept or reject products based on inspection results.

  • Well defined QC functionality to receive, produce and ship products that meet customer and compliance requirements
  • QC test and sample definition plus the ability to determine the target values, control limits and maximum allowable defects
  • Accomplish the QC sampling process with Pass/Fail results, Alphanumeric as well as Numeric values
  • Immediate and counteractive action, like destruction, return etc., can be taken against the items that fail QC Inspection
  • Track the faulty materials and consign them for return to the vendor, scrap, or rework.
  • Supports the tracking of production quality, expiry date, shelf life period, and lot controlled products.
  • Reporting the QC results for Raw Material, Intermediate and Finished Good Items.

The Costing module in BatchMaster Manufacturing allows you to choose the most reliable, accurate, and lucrative price for your items. Examine the costs of the formula and the completed product from numerous angles, and at various levels of detail.

To show how labour, overhead, materials, and packaging affect the total cost of the product, change them. Manipulate the quantity of any material to do a “what-if” study and assess the profitability of numerous scenarios based on various assumptions. See how the modification affects the costs right away.

  • Collaboratively analyze costs associated with the manufactured products
  • Establish gross margin based on costs and selling price
  • Revise formula loss factors to accomplish better accuracy
  • Calculate Sales Price and Standard Cost based on the cost of ingredients
  • Revaluate the actual cost of the finished good or intermediate inventory

To minimize overburdening situations, identify production contractions based on predicted deliveries, and allocate resources appropriately. The Production Scheduling Board is an all-in-one solution that simplifies production scheduling. You may monitor and analyse production floor stocks and resources using a dynamic graphical user interface that clearly displays batches with various statuses using separate colour codes.

  • Reschedule the batches just by dragging them to the preferred schedule date, on the Schedule Calendar grid
  • Define tasks that needs to be executed apart from the routine production jobs
  • Interactive month, week and day views provide flexibility to swiftly organize the batches accordingly
  • Quickly list the batches and illustrate their relationship to one another using the Gantt Chart View
  • Zoom-in the Schedule Calendar Grid of the Production Schedule screen and get details of the process cell attached to the existing Batches/Orders/Task
  • Regulate planning and scheduling of activities on the shop floor

You may utilize your skills to flawlessly plan and control the production process using the Routing module. In the production process, specify the order in which work centres are used. Quick Labor Entry can be used to create a list of staff and machine details, as well as their preparation and processing times. When it comes to categorizing manufacturing routes, the routing module is an excellent place to start.

  • Designate shifts available by weekdays in which the selected employee will be working
  • Define and generate schedules for a range of employees for selected working days
  • Plan and manage resources by interpreting the schedule of a given work centre over a week’s span using the Work Centre Capacity Utilization option
  • Add routing to a particular BOM just by implementing very easy setup options.
  • Cope with item routings by means of the Routing tab present on the Batch Ticket form
  • Firmly retain completion time and quantities related to production batch by means of various routing facilities

BMM for SAP Business One enables multi-site manufacturers to manage their bins. All business operations, including as sales, purchasing, and production, are managed at the bin level rather than at the warehouse level. This feature guarantees that merchandise is handled with care before being placed in the bag. For any inventory transaction, you can see a real-time display of products in stock. You’ll be able to keep track of inventory more quickly and precisely if you keep it in multiple bins.

  • Track inventory bin wise, item wise, warehouse wise, lot wise or container wise
  • Support multi-location inventory feature to organize your warehouse or multiple warehouses
  • Get an instant view of various bin transactions, such as Container, Bin Number, Issue/Receipt Quantity, etc.
  • Handle non-tracked inventory with ease at the bin level
  • Manage various Storage Conditions for bins and items
  • Warnings for older lots and duplicate lots
  • Expired lots calculation for issue transactions

By identifying what to order, when to order, how much to order, and when to plan an order’s delivery, BatchMaster’s MRP module aids production managers in scheduling and placing orders for dependent demand items, as well as ensuring a flow of materials required for production.

  • Ensure material availability and increase planning stability
  • View production bottlenecks at a glance with interactive graphical vision
  • Reconcile the customer requirements with plant capacity, material availability, and vendor capabilities
  • Support in evaluating the effects of schedule changes in short run
  • Perform scheduling on single or range of items and warehouses
  • Spontaneously create Purchase Order for the re-sale type of item
  • High stock levels and reduces storage costs
  • Last minute rescheduling and efficient allocation of resources
  • Planning Time Fence to protect the master plan from spontaneous changes
  • Adjust dates of planned orders that fall within the planning time fence

Set a timeline for creating things, sourcing supplies, and adding value to the production process as soon as possible. BatchMaster can help you create and maintain an effective manufacturing plan based on sales forecasts, purchase and production orders, inventory statuses, and work orders with comprehensive bill of materials. Its implementation ensures that production materials are available and that products are ready for shipment. By considering the BOM and time phasing supplies with the indicated average lead times, BatchMaster MRP assists you in determining material requirements.

  • Streamline the production operations and minimize unplanned interruptions to improve performance
  • Confidently sustain with the lowest possible material and product level in stock
  • Generates purchase orders from net demand relative to reorder levels
  • Aligns existing jobs with changes to required dates
  • Supports the top, bottom, and smart level explosion
  • Supports to meet the delivery schedule, purchase activities and plan orders
  • Avoiding the delay in material procurement, production and decision making
  • Cost of excessive inventory can be reduced
  • Cost of excessive inventory can be reduced

Happy Customers

Emilia Clarke
Ms. Dianne Dickson, CFO
Grain & Bake Co., Melbourne, Australia
“Our strategic partnership with BatchMaster has enabled us to grow. It’s an investment that we made in our future, and we’re happy that it’s paying dividends now.”
Emilia Clarke
Mr. Pritesh Shah, IT Head, Remedy Drinks
Carrum Downs, Victoria, Australia
“We knew moving to an ERP software would ensure long-term efficiency, productivity and cost benefits for our business. We’re happy we found that able ally in BatchMaster."
Emilia Clarke
Mr. Roman Eydlish, Joint General Manager
Maltra Foods, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
“For years, we relied on a siloed approach to manage our business processes. But when the changing laws and regulations compelled us to opt for an integrated system, BatchMaster ERP stepped in to get the job done.”

Integrate. Extend. Excel.

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About us

BatchMaster Software is one of the market leaders in offering enterprise software solutions for the process manufacturing industries. With an in-depth industry analysis, gained through a vast industry experience with over 2000 implementations worldwide, we clearly understand the unique industry challenges. BatchMaster offers ERP solutions that are apt to support industry specific operations and handles critical processes of the micro-verticals. Process manufacturing companies around the globe have come to rely upon BatchMaster® to manage nearly every aspect of their manufacturing distribution, finance & accounting, Quality Control, Compliance and HR- related operations. With headquarter in Laguna Hills, BatchMaster has its offices in New Jersey, India and New Zealand.

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